How colonic works

Colonic - periodical colon wall washing with water or special therapeutic compounds.

It is known that the colon plays a major role at the end of food processing, disposal of toxic products of protein metabolism (indole, skatole, sulfur dioxide, methane, mercaptans, etc.) and heavy metals, as well as the removal of the body dehydrated intestinal contents (of stones).


The final digestion takes place in the large intestine. Its glandular cells secrete a small amount of alkaline juice, with a pH of 8.0-9.0. Juice is the liquid part of the mucus and lumps. The liquid portion contains 99% water and 1% solids. It includes:

  • Mineral matter - the cations sodium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate, phosphate, sulfate anions, anions of chlorine.
  • Simple organic substances - products of protein metabolism.
  • Ferments. Peptidases, lipases, carbohydrates, nucleases, phosphatases. They are also the product of enterocytes. There is 10 times less of it in the small intestine. The purpose of these enzymes is usually meaningless, but in violation of the secretory function of the small intestine their production can greatly increase.
  • Mucin. Formed in the glandular cells.
  • Regulation of secretion of juice is the liquid part of intramural nerve plexus and humoral factors.

In babies the colon is sterile. During the first months of the babie’s life his colon is settled by non-pathogenic obligate microflora. 90% of the bifidobacterium, E. coli, cocci.

The function of the colon:

Formation of feces. In the cecum daily fed 300 - 500 ml of chyme. Due to reabsorption of water and electrolytes, it is concentrated. Stool consists mainly of cellulose, and 30% bacteria. In addition, it contains minerals, decomposition products of bile pigments, mucus.
Separating function. Through the large intestine undigested residues derived primarily fiber. In addition, through this distinguished area, uric acid, creatinine comes out. If the digested fats come, they are excreted in the feces (steatorreya).
Final digestion. It is the action of enzymes originating from the small intestine and colon enzymes juice. But because the chime is poor on nutrients, this process is normally not a big deal. A special role is played by the intestinal microflora. Proteins undergo putrefaction and toxins produce indole, phenol, and skatole. It formed biologically active substances - histamine, tyramine, as well as hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. The Microorganism splits 5-10% cellulose to glucose. They also provide the digestion of carbohydrates to lactic acid, acetic acid and alcohol.
Synthesis of vitamins. Intestinal flora synthesize vitamin B6, B12, K, and E.
Defensive function. Obligate intestinal microflora inhibits the pathogenic. Allocated its acidic foods inhibit the processes of decay. It also stimulates the body's non-specific immunity. 

Under certain conditions (violation of diet, unhealthy lifestyle, poisoning and a variety of diseases), the colon disturbs the evacuation function and, elimination of stool (diarrhea, constipation). Colon Hydrotherapy leads to the recovery of motor-evacuation function of the colon.

How A Colonic Operates Inside the Gut.

Introduced into the colon fluid penetrates to the cecum (sphincter between small intestine and colon). This means that the procedure colonic affects the colon throughout its entire length.

Reflectory influence. At increased fluid pressure in the colon, mechanical nerve receptor in sub mucosa layer are stimulated .This leads to the formation of the outgoing nerve signals that stimulate the defecation center, located in the sacral spinal cord. As a result the muscle tone in the intestine is increased with its peristalsis.
Exercises effect. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon with water helps located workout muscle fibers in muscular layer of colon. This improves muscle tone and normalize bowel movement.
Cleansing. Water cleanses the colon from old died cells, mucus, toxins, toxins, allergy triggers and aerobic bacteria.
Rebalance of intestinal flora. The liquid inside the colon restores normal balance of microorganisms in the intestine; that break down nutrients, provide a natural immunity, synthesize vitamins and other biologically active substances.
Restore metabolism. Irrigations of water enhance local circulation mucus of colon and restores impaired absorption of gases and minerals in the blood. The incoming fluid regulates PH and electrolyte balance in the intestinal wall.
Detoxification. Absorption of some of the incoming water leads to increased urine output. Finally, emptying the lower parts of the colon fecal eliminates their toxic effect on mucus and restores bowel movements and secretory functions.
Reshape of colon. Accumulation of a large number of long-standing stool and gas in the intestinal lumen leads to its stretch and thicken. Removal of feces accumulated as a result of insufficient evacuation of bowel function leads to the return of the intestine in its normal form.

HOW DOES Colonic Affect the entire body

Detoxification of the body. Besides the local poison in the intestinal wall, the toxins being absorbed are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body and cause damage to the liver, lungs and kidneys. Such patients have a nearly constant weakness and fatigue. Cleaning of chronic bowel feces helps to get rid of chronic intoxication.
Immune-stimulating effect. Steted that the intestine is made of up to 80% immunocompetent tissue functioning significantly impaired in chronic constipation. Colon hydrotherapy helps normalize their operations and improve immunity.
Stimulation of normal reflex connections. Almost all organs and systems of the body combined with the colon are very sensitive reflex connections. Washing the colon, stimulating them, has (like medical procedure reflexologist) a very positive effect on the entire body.
Improve blood circulation to the internal organs. Pulsating jet action of warm water has positive effect on blood circulation in the prostate, uterus, kidneys and other internal organs.
Cholagogic effect. Cholagogic effect colonic helps to get rid of bile stasis and related diseases. Improve the metabolism. An improvement of assimilation of nutrients by the body.
Normalization intestine function. Colonic normalize bowel movements, the formation of stools and the evacuation function.

Indications for colonic

Here are the most common conditions for which colonic would bring tangible results.
The most obvious ailments are those directly connected to the stomach, intestines and bowel:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Candida, Crohn’s Disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Diverticulitis
  • Colitis
  • Enteritis
  • Duodenal ucleas
  • Stomach, intestinal and bowel cancers

There are many other problems which are not assotiated with the colon. These can be as diverse as:

  • Headaches, earaches, sinus problems, allergies 
  • Bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease 
  • Poor appetite, or food cravings 
  • Bloated stomach and wind 
  • Body odour
  • Problems in trying to lose weight 
  • Gallstones and gall bladder problems 
  • Heart disease and high blood pressure 
  • Haemorrhoids 
  • Indigestion
  • Cancers elsewhere in the body, including the breast 
  • Stiffness or sore joints, rheumatism 
  • Backache, sciatic pain 
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Mental or physical sluggishness 
  • Blood poisoning, poor circulation 
  • Bladder infections, frequent urination 
  • Prostate problems, menstrual problems 
  • Kidney or liver problems 
  • Ridged, dry or discoloured nails 
  • Puffy or dry eyes
  • Eye problems including discoloured whites 
  • Baldness, alopecia, hair condition problems 
  • Acne, liver spots, psoriasis, seborrhoea 
  • Asthma, allergies or persistent colds 
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Irritability, hypertension and insomnia
  • Cellulitis.

As you can see, the health of the body depends on the proper functioning of the colon.