Constipation relief

What is constipation

The definition of "constipation" (also known as costiveness or dyschezia) comes from the Latin word "cluster". This phenomenon indicates the waist matter accumulation in the intestine and feces violation of their evacuation.
Many of the medical authors believe that the basis of constipation is a violation of the diet, and, therefore, constipation - a disease of all inhabitants of civilized countries. Constipation reduces the overall resistance of the human body infections, leading to the development of various acute and chronic diseases. Almost everyone has these or other symptoms of digestive disorders, although some of the people may still be a regular with the bowel movement. Intestinal constipation causes constipation cell, which causes an increase the pressure on the kidneys, liver, skin, lungs, and lymphatic system, leading to their rapid depletion.

At least two things from what all civilized people do in their daily lives offense against the nature of the body and leading to constipation: the use of canned and refined foods, which dramatically impairs the digestive tract to evacuate feces. Another particularly common problem for mostly a young people is a desire to do something in the toilet like the desire to read, smoke, etc. during defecation.

Here is the opinion of the one of medical professionals, "... my professional opinion is that the bowel should occur as often as eating daily. For example, if we eat three times a day the defecation should occur three times a day ... “ If defecation is less than two times a day the feces remain in the intestine for more than 12 hours. In this case the intestinal fermented feces and begin producing toxins. Any food substances in the intestine can enter the blood through the intestinal wall. In this way instead of nutrients the toxins from stool are being absorbed that leads to internal poisoning. Toxemia - a condition in which the blood is contains the circulating toxins produced by pathogenic gut bacteria or fermentation products. One of the most frequent and the first signs of intoxication is acne.

There are many types of toxins that can build up in the intestines. Many poisons are active and can cause a variety of poisoning, even in a very small quantities. In many cases, these toxins can be absorbed from the intestine, causing poisoning of various organs.

Here are a few examples of how the poisoning affects on the body:

  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Skin manifestations
  • Pulmonary disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Various arthritis
  • Accelerated aging process

How the constipation affects the bowel function.

Constipation is the most common pathology or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Although more than 50% of the population in developed countries suffers from constipation, not all the people are uniquely assess their condition and rarely turn the problem for medical help, preferring to deal with it alone. Such a solution leads to disappointing results. In this regard, for example, in England, the constipation is considered as a hidden national problem.

Why the constipation is a problem?

On the one hand, the proportion of patients experiencing discomfort, and even physical suffering caused by the failure to timely bowel movement, and is doomed to life with laxatives and enemas. On the other hand, patients who do not experience discomfort, constipation does not perceive as a problem. However, their health and lives at risk.
The slowing of transit of the intestinal contents increases the duration of the contact between the mucous membrane and toxic chemicals with food-borne bacteria. It leads to self-poisoning of the body and may be complicated by inflammation of the colon and small intestine, hepatitis, biliary tract diseases, fecal stones that can be developed to the intestinal fecal obstruction.

Diverticulosis. The pressure inside the bowel will increase with constipation and contributes to the formation of diverticula of the colon (grooves on the inner surface of the bowel wall in the form of bags, pockets), which delayed the intestinal contents.
Dysbacteriosis. According to some authors, more than 80% of patients with constipation found intestinal dysbacteriosis. According to other experts, this percentage reaches 100%. It may get to the point when the fecal flora can spread to the upper portions of the gastrointestinal tract, up to the mouth. Spectrum changes the normal flora and appears - pathogens.
Toxification. The toxification begins with disturbed barrier function of the colon wall. The affected colon wall starts to pass into the blood some bacteria, their toxins and allergens. These processes can result the damage to the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, immune system, may lead to a violation of the assimilation of nutrients. In that case, even with a good diet, a person will experience vitamin deficiency, anemia, and immunodeficiency.
Cancer. One of the most common reasons of the colon cancer is constipation. It happens by the reason Binds it to increasing concentrations of carcinogens and their prolonged contact with the intestinal mucosa.

In this aspect, the lock does not look like a little unwell, but - as the state friction buyuschee serious attention, prevention and treatment.
In many countries, constipation is considered a separate disease


In our centre we use a very effective program for the treatment of constipation.The program is based on colon hydrotherapy, enemas and suppelments. A detailed program is customized for each patient.

Our constipation relief program has proven effective in hundreds of patients who have forgotten what is constipation tor forever.